With LDPlayer you can easily run Android games on your PC. This installer allows you to download the emulator together with Granny, adapting the controls...
745.8 k downloads
The LDPlayer tool allows you to easily, quickly and smoothly run Android video games on PC. This installer downloads its own emulator together with Beach...
33.7 k downloads
The GameLoop tool from the Tencent studio lets you run Android games on PC. This installer downloads its own emulator along with Granny: Chapter Two...
345.2 k downloads
The LDPlayer tool easily runs Android video games on PC. This installer downloads its own emulator together with Five Nights at Freddy's 2, adapting its...
32.4 k downloads
LDPlayer's app easily runs video games for Android on PC. This installer downloads its own emulator together with Stumble Guys, adapting the controls to a...
5.6 M downloads
The LDPlayer tool allows you to run Android games on PC in a complete, convenient and simple way. This installer downloads its own emulator along...
4.3 k downloads
Minecraft is a game chock-full of adventure, exploring, and creativity. You survive in a world composed of blocks – similar to Legos – that you...
129.3 M downloads
Yandere Simulator is a stealth and action game with RPG aspects, where you play a very jealous high school student (the Yandere who gives the...
16.5 M downloads
Become an American student in the spicy 'visual novel' Summertime saga. Your story begins when your protagonist's father dies owing a large debt to the...
4.1 M downloads
Five Nights at Freddy's 4 is the fourth and final installment on this incredibly popular horror saga that has been scaring people on Windows and...
12.5 M downloads